As I was searching through old (digital) folders this morning I stumbled across this blog post that I wrote three years ago. Originally titled “Life’s Little Luxuries” it’s even more relevant today than it was then because I’ve been thinking so much lately about being present and ‘in the moment’. It’s so easy to let the constant busy-ness take over which leads to a lack of creativity, focus and purpose and of course in the extreme, to burn out.
To live perpetually in the moment requires considered practise and self-awareness, mostly so that you can pull yourself up if you find yourself reverting to a ‘do 47 things at once’ default. Suffice to say I have A LOT going on at the moment and so I am trying daily to be mindful about living in the moment. Planning ahead like my life depends on it yes, but as each day, week, HOUR, task, person, meeting, meal comes by, trying to stop and focus and give it the attention it deserves.
As a female business owner I am certain that I am wired to take the tiniest of opportunities whenever I can get them – cleaning my teeth; reply to a text message I’ve missed, waiting for my coffee; do a quick Instagram story, driving to a meeting; listen to my favourite podcast. Well the last one isn’t so bad and is probably a good use of time, but, you get the idea. Its multi-layered-multi-tasking at its finest.
My sister in law said to me the other day “stay mindful and focused – it’s your secret weapon”. Ohh, I just loved this – so spot ON. Emma is one of those serene people who despite having three gorgeous kids and a whirlwind life, is always calm and present. So I seriously think she is onto something with this mindful business. I mean, living properly in each moment has got to be the ultimate luxury right?!
Because when you’re doing all the things all at once, you don’t actually do any of them well. I’ve been saying to my team (and husband!) that I need to compartmentalise my life better, allocate specific time for specific things. So I love the concept of sitting down to ‘produce’ something, not ‘work on’ just anything. For example, in the next two hours I will; write this strategy, plan my social content for the week, respond to this proposal. Not simply sitting down at my computer – rare in itself at the moment – and getting swept up in emails for two hours.
So as this general being present theme circles, I loved the little luxuries I listed below. Most of them so simple and basic but gosh, so essential to enjoying every day and indeed being present in each moment. When I was reminded last week that this is the last quarter of this DECADE, I was stunned. But I’m also really proud of everything I’ve done in the last ten years so it’s quite a nice moment to…. be present and grateful and then set up the last two months of this year to be the best ever.
My husband and I always come back to some very wise words his late Granny Rosie passed onto us the last time we visited her. She was 96 and determined to make us understand that THE goal in life is to have fun. She was literally shooing us out of the room saying “stop talking to an old lady, go out and have fun, live your lives”. And, she is quite right – the now almost six years we’ve been here in Adelaide, well, we get to do them another maybe 8 times and that’s it. I mean that just blows my mind!
It’s all kind of cliché I know, but, that’s the thing about clichés, they’re ironic because they’re based in truth. It’s SO important to enjoy yourself, indulge in little luxuries every day and not restrain yourself to a life of “saving the crystal glasses for a special occasion”. Life IS a special occasion and so my new daily motto is “be in the moment”.
Here are six of my favourite little luxuries and corresponding tips to help make my motto a reality;
I go twice a week and absolutely love it. Connecting to your mind, body and breath is important in remembering the big picture, why you do what you do and what you’re ultimately trying to achieve. Being physically centred allows the brain to follow which in turn keeps your daily tasks and to do list meaningful and always connected back to your overall goals.
There are the boring maintenance type trips to the beautician and then there are the ones that are actually a treat. I have monthly facials with my beautiful client Willow Skin & Body and I truly believe they are essential to a healthy life. There is a global “wellness” trend but truly, if you’re not taking care of yourself, you can’t take care of your team or family.
Having worked in luxury cosmetics for a long time, I am a huge believer in quality. And in using beautiful products every day. My favourite handwash is by Aesop and I think it’s the definition of a daily luxury. I find it really helpful to use a simple daily task like washing your hands as a moment to be still and breathe, just for 20 seconds. It’s usually a moment when you’re alone and can have a little mini re-group to focus on what you need to do next.
My husband and I enjoy a glass or two of red from The Lane with dinner most nights. We have at least two alcohol free days each week but pouring each other a nice glass of wine makes a weeknight dinner a proper dining experience. At the same time, getting someone else’s perspective on a situation you’ve been turning over in your own mind during the day always makes it less scary or overwhelming. Two minds are usually better than one!
TND (Tuesday Night Dinner)
Quite weirdly, Tuesday is my favourite day of the week. When my parents moved to the South Coast of NSW years ago my sisters and I would have dinner in Sydney with Dad once a week on a Tuesday. It quickly became quite the McIntyre ritual and affectionately known as TND. Ten years on I have brought the tradition with me to Adelaide and my husband and I eat out almost every Tuesday evening. Rituals like this are essential in life and in business. I use this time to debrief moments from the day. Thoughts, frustrations and future plans are always better out than in.
Basic I know but I still love lighting a beautiful scented candle each night. Smell is such a powerful sense as it helps your brain develop memories so find a signature scent for your home or workspace and you’ll always associate that aroma with comfort, happiness and productivity.